Auto insurance sheilds you from financial damage. It is an arrangment between the vehicle insurance company and you. When a plan is established, you agree to pay the premium required and the company providing the car insurance agrees to pay your losses described in your contract.
It can be easier than you think to put the brakes on high auto insurance rates – as an independent agency, North Country Auto Insurance in Lyndonville, VT can help! We can review your policy and possibly help you find a variety of illuminating ways to save money. Here are some things you may want to consider:
• Ask us to check several companies’ rates. This is the single most important thing you can do to get the best possible rate—and we can do it for you quickly and easily. The difference between the highest and lowest rate available to you from different companies could vary by hundreds of dollars.
• Look for discounts. Many auto insurance companies in Lyndonville, Vermont reduce premiums for certain driver traits or car features. For example: being a homeowner for more than three years, nonsmoker, nondrinker, students with good grades, senior citizens who have taken an approved defensive driving course, people who only drive for pleasure, cars kept in garages, antilock brakes, antitheft devices, air bags, etc. Ask us to check.
• Don’t assume having your car and home insured by the same company is the best option. Because auto insurance rates vary so much from company to company, it may make sense for you to have your car and home insured by separate companies. Let’s talk about it.
Time is money: Save both
Saving 5 cents a gallon on gas is great. But, if you have to drive 20 minutes to get to the station, is it really a savings? If a deal costs you valuable time, it’s not a deal at all. The same holds true with auto insurance.
Bargain-basement policies can gobble up your time if you have to file a claim. You can spend up to four days calling repair shops, getting estimates and arranging for a rental car.
Remember, insurance isn’t just about price. It’s about service, too. The concierge level of claims service offered by Progressive can cut the claims/repair process from four days to only fifteen minutes.